There are no words to describe a loss like this
It’s as if my heart keeps breaking again, and again, and again
You’re sweet and loving presence will forever be missed,
Still I sit here frozen like ice
God you’re close to the broken-hearted, well here I lie
Will I ever feel hope the same?
How can a good God let the young die?
I wish I knew the answer
My heart was not designed to carry this much grief
It’s burning with pain each broken breath
I’m screaming out that it should’ve been me!
Unfortunately, God doesn’t work that way
Your hugs and fist bumps never ran short
You always cared deeply for others
My heart is shattered, hear my cries Lord
I feel my life wasting away
I’m waiting for a cure that won’t come
Loss waits for nobody
For death is only curable by one
I’d be foolish to continue hoping for this miracle
The thunder roars almost in cue
As my eye forms a single tear
Life feels like a game we were destined to lose
Is there any way to avoid this kind of pain?
I feel my strength evaporate
Like water fleeing the grip of the dessert
Maybe one day my faith will reactivate
Right now I sit in silent pain