Am I the only one that feels this way?
It sure feels that way.
It feels like every day is spent feeling worthless and searching for grace.
As I contemplate all of these lies that I face,
My body is overpowered with pain.
I go a few months without anxiety,
And then it hits me as soon as I feel safe.
What's wrong with me today?
Why do I feel so insecure?
Why do I stress about everything I'm bad at?
Am I the only one that feels this way?
It sure feels that way.
It feels like I am suffocating with doubt.
I am trying to breathe in a chaotic world.
You'd think that after months of therapy,
I would be able to take this breastplate off,
but alas, it stays.
What's wrong with me today?
Why do I feel so discouraged, gloomy, and gray?
Why do I worry about what others think?
Why am I my own worst critic?
Am I the only one that feels this way?
It sure feels that way.
I wish I spent more energy relying on the only one that can ease my pain.
I wish I believed the truths that people tell me rather than the lies of the enemy.
And yet, here I am drowning in self-doubt.
Does anyone else feel this way?